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CNN: Women have taken a staggering Covid hit. Now they offer the best hopes for the future

At a time when the world is realizing the vital perspectives and leadership of women, which includes the long overdue recognition of the powerful and essential influence and leadership of women of color, now is the time to be proactive to ensure their rights are protected, their needs are met, and that they are supported during these challenging times.

With this in mind, I reached out to a diverse selection of global women leaders, asking them to share their views on where we’ve made progress in fighting the effects of the pandemic on women and girls, as well as where we need to focus our efforts.

Although the pandemic has starkly laid bare the many cracks in our systems, it has also given us a unique opportunity to rebuild in more equal ways — with women’s leadership at the helm, which would benefit us all across many divides.

The ongoing story of women’s history is being created every day and depends on what we do now, collectively, in every moment. As Michelle Nunn, president of international humanitarian organization CARE, put it: “As we move forward, we must respond to the acute needs of women and girls, but we must also invest in them as leaders for our recovery and re-building.”

Read the full story at CNN

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