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Voucher Assistance and Violence Online Training

The Voucher Assistance (VA) and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) online training is a six-week facilitated course targeting protection and specialists who are planning to or are encouraged to use VA in their program to deliver their responses.


The course is structured around the case management approach and includes five topics mirroring the project cycle. The course covers the key skills required to prepare, design, implement, and monitor projects designed to achieve violence prevention outcomes using VA. The course builds on the existing Cash and Voucher Assistance and Violence Against Women Compendium face to face training, developed based on the compendium.

With support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Women’s Refugee Commission and CARE partnered to expand access among field-level practitioners to the requisite knowledge, skills, guidance, and tools to integrate VA and violence prevention programming in humanitarian settings, with a focus on remote management settings. The translation of course materials into French and Spanish were supported by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance.



Women's Refugee Commission

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation


As an interagency effort, we are grateful for the valuable contributions of the project’s advisory group, which included the following organizations:


Plan International

Danish Refugee Council

CALP Network

Norwegian Capacity

War Child

International Rescue Committee

Key Aid Consulting

The course materials are currently available in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish. To express interest in participating in a future cohort of the course and to receive updates, please fill out this form. For insights on the course material, learning methodology, and more, please refer to the course overview guide.

Course objectives

The course is targeted towards violence prevention staff working in crisis settings. By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain how VA can contribute to response outcomes
  • Decide if and how VA are appropriate modalities to support the delivery of a comprehensive response
  • Identify the roles of different teams to effectively integrate VA into response throughout the project cycle
  • Determine the delivery mechanisms and transfer value to use for VA integrated in response
  • Identify the information needed for monitoring and evaluation of VA integrated into response

Program achievements

To date, more than 2,000 people have registered for the course, and more than 100 people have graduated.


Course Materials (Arabic)

Access course materials from all five sessions.

Download from Dropbox (Arabic)

Course Materials (English)

Access course materials from all five sessions.

Download from Dropbox (English)

Course Materials (French)

Access course materials from all five sessions.

Download from Dropbox (French)

Course Materials (Spanish)

Access course materials from all five sessions.

Download from Dropbox (Spanish)

Cash and Voucher Assistance and Violence Against Women and Girls Compendium

This compendium offers practical guidance for humanitarian practitioners.

See the modules on the GBV Guidelines website

Cash and Voucher Assistance and Compendium Face to Face Training modules

This training package offers modules targeted towards different audiences, including donors, coordinators, humanitarian country teams, field practitioners including technical and CVA specialists who use CVA to deliver on sectoral and multi-sectoral outcomes, and violence prevention specialists.

See the modules on the GBV Guidelines website