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Girls in Action

CARE’s Girls in Action model, developed with EMPower, supports girls to lead change their way.

Girls face many barriers to having their say and choosing their own path. Many of these are rooted in social norms which restrict their rights.

CARE’s Girls in Action model supports girls to build movements for change on the issues that matter to them most by combining girls’ leadership with social norms approaches.

A young Nepali woman wearing a white scarf and pink jacket leans against a tree. A red and white quilt is hanging on a clothesline from the tree.
Sunita leads a group of 1,500 girls in Nepal who are working to address the issues faced by teenage girls. Photo credit: CARE/Laura Noel

Working with mentors drawn from their own communities, girls are taken through a four-step process where they decide what they wish to address and together are supported to lead change for themselves and others around them.

Girls in Action (also known as Learning Communities on the Move or LCOM) was originally developed in South Asia in partnership with the EMPower Foundation under the Tipping Point initiative.

They take me as their role model. A lot of girls have been influenced by me and have been empowered to work with us.


Key resources

Girls in Action

This two-page overview outlines CARE’s model for girl-led action to shift social norms impacting women and girls, why it is important, and how it works. Girls in Action (also known as Learning Communities on the Move or LCOM) was originally developed in South Asia in partnership with the EMPower Foundation.

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Girls in Action detailed model overview

This detailed overview includes the tools necessary to implement the activities following the Minimum Standards alongside insights from CARE and EMpower’s experiences. This package of materials pulls together lessons, tips, and specific group sessions that can be adapted and used to find, train, monitor, support, and evaluate girl led programming. Available in English and French.

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Girls in Action: Mentors’ Training & Facilitation Package

This Mentor’s Training and Facilitation Package is designed to be practical and user-friendly for program planners, practitioners, trainers and mentors involved in girl-led programming and activism. The processes laid out in this document are a minimum standard for implementing Girls in Action, also known as the LCOM model. Available in English and French.

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Girls in Action: Girls’ Training Package

This training and facilitation package can be used by programmers working with adolescent girls in education, food and nutrition, economic empowerment, CEFM (Child, Early and Forced Marriage), and humanitarian sectors. It can also be used by anyone conducting or designing a girl-led program, developing a proposal to work with girls or for those directly working with girls and require fresh ideas on how to create and sustain program activities. Available in English and French.

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Replication and Scale-up of CARE’s model for Girl-led Action and Norms Shifting

This learning brief details the lessons learned from the replication of the LCOM model in the Zinder region of Niger. Available in English, French, and Arabic.

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Risk Mitigation and Management for Girl-Led Programming

This brief shares learning on the additional risks girls may face when leading change in their communities and actions taken ensure their safety.

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Q&A on Girls in Action

Many insightful questions on the Girls in Action model were raised during a global webinar sharing voices from countries where this has been used. This document provides responses and links to additional resources.

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