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Indashyikirwa Program Resources

A Rwandan man and woman smile while kneeling next to each other in a field to inspect cabbages.

Photo credit: CARE/Peter Caton

Photo credit: CARE/Peter Caton

CARE and our partners developed the following tools, briefs and other resources to support others engaging in household dialogue and social norms approaches to prevent gender-based violence.

Evidence and learning

Indashyikirwa: Equality for women and girls helping farmers cope with increased food insecurity

One of a series of food briefs, this case study provides a snapshot of how the original Indashyikirwa intervention in Rwanda is helping couples to deal with food current shortages more proactively and equally.

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Evidence Brief: Impact of Indashyikirwa

This brief, developed by What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls, summarizes impact evaluation findings.

Read on the What Works website

Indashyikirwa Program Resources

CARE and our partners developed the following tools, briefs and other resources to support others engaging in household dialogue and social norms approaches to prevent gender-based violence.

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Indashyikirwa Program Resources

CARE and our partners developed the following tools, briefs and other resources to support others engaging in household dialogue and social norms approaches to prevent gender-based violence.

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Indashyikirwa Program Resources

CARE and our partners developed the following tools, briefs and other resources to support others engaging in household dialogue and social norms approaches to prevent gender-based violence.

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Indashyikirwa Program Resources

CARE and our partners developed the following tools, briefs and other resources to support others engaging in household dialogue and social norms approaches to prevent gender-based violence.

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Curriculum and tools

Couples’ curriculum training module

This curriculum attempts to bring together recent learning in the field of gender based violence (GBV) prevention in order to create the most effective program possible for couples the communities where Indashyikirwa will be implemented.

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Indashyikirwa Program Resources

CARE and our partners developed the following tools, briefs and other resources to support others engaging in household dialogue and social norms approaches to prevent gender-based violence.

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Indashyikirwa Program Resources

CARE and our partners developed the following tools, briefs and other resources to support others engaging in household dialogue and social norms approaches to prevent gender-based violence.

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Indashyikirwa Program Resources

CARE and our partners developed the following tools, briefs and other resources to support others engaging in household dialogue and social norms approaches to prevent gender-based violence.

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Adaptation resources

Indashyikirwa Program Resources

CARE and our partners developed the following tools, briefs and other resources to support others engaging in household dialogue and social norms approaches to prevent gender-based violence.

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Indashyikirwa Program Resources

CARE and our partners developed the following tools, briefs and other resources to support others engaging in household dialogue and social norms approaches to prevent gender-based violence.

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Fidelity Brief for adapting Indashyikirwa Couples’ Curriculum

This brief, developed by CARE’s partner the Prevention Collaborative, highlights essentials for implementing the Indashyikirwa Couples Curriculum based on the experience in Rwanda to guide organizations to make informed decisions when refining the program to be more appropriate for their given contexts and target populations.

Read the resource