Recent projections are showing that the world is not on track to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2, Zero Hunger by 2030, and people are more food insecure than ever. When food insecure households have to make decisions on how to use their limited resources, children’s schooling, especially girls’ access to education, often becomes a casualty. This brief report attempts to shed a light on the current global food insecurity status, its impact on children’s cognitive development, and some of CARE’s promising practices which are showing results in reducing the impact of food insecurity on education outcomes.
Humanitarian crises are challenges affecting millions of people. They are diverse and global – be they natural disasters, famine crises, conflicts or wars. However, the attention of the global public is usually focused on a few, particularly prominent crises. With this Crisis Report, which is being published for the ninth year in a row, CARE puts ten underreported crises and the people affected into focus. Read More
Over the past few months, the gender justice team has been conducting desk reviews and consultations to understand the current knowledge and magnitude of technology facilitated gender-based violence. This document is developed from publications by UNFPA; UN women; center for information resilience and from research and articles presented during the SVRI forum 2024 and other similar learning events. Read More
The Martawa Zuromaye project in northeast Nigeria supports the enhancement of survivor-centered efforts to prevent, mitigate, and respond to all forms of gender-based violence (GBV), early and forced marriage (EFM) and female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C). After two years of implementation, the project team and partners met in Nigeria to take stock of the project implementation thus far, re-energized efforts towards achieving the goals, and strategized for more effective implementation in the years ahead. Read More