This manual is meant to be used alongside the rest of the Tipping Point curriculum, which encourages reflection on sensitive issue prior to the dialogues, creating a safe space for open communication. Well-trained facilitators should be present during the dialogue and facilitators should ensure all participants have an opportunity to participate. Girl activists from the groups can be asked to lead the campaign planning in the later sessions, with support from the boys and parents activists and the facilitators.
Use this timeline if you are planning a 9-month savings cycle. Adapt it to your programming schedule while respecting essential sequencing and coordination. Read More
Use this tool to evaluate if and when CA-VSLA is appropriate to implement within a given crisis type and response profile. Read More
Feed the Future Sugu Yiriwa, funded by USAID, commissioned a baseline study of market gardening groups in Djenné and Bandiagara, which revealed their need for training in innovative technologies for appropriate cooling, storage, and preservation of fruit and vegetables in the project areas. Read More