Tipping Point Phase 1 was unique in that it moved beyond standard discourse and approaches that aim to address child marriage and adopted a specific focus on gendered social norms as a key contributing factor to processes of change. A 2017 qualitative evaluation of Tipping Point in Bangladesh and Nepal incorporated multiple approaches to measuring the status of social norms using different methods. CARE’s Social Norms Analysis Plot (SNAP) framework tool informed the development of tools and the sequencing of different phases of data collection allowed for refining the tools as needed between phases. This brief provides an overview of the various tools used in the evaluation and how they contributed to assessing social norm change within Tipping point communities.
Use this timeline if you are planning a 9-month savings cycle. Adapt it to your programming schedule while respecting essential sequencing and coordination. Read More
Use this tool to evaluate if and when CA-VSLA is appropriate to implement within a given crisis type and response profile. Read More
Feed the Future Sugu Yiriwa, funded by USAID, commissioned a baseline study of market gardening groups in Djenné and Bandiagara, which revealed their need for training in innovative technologies for appropriate cooling, storage, and preservation of fruit and vegetables in the project areas. Read More