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Corporate Partnerships

A woman wearing a white apron that says

CARE is proud to partner with some of the world’s most innovative and successful companies to find victories over poverty and empower women and girls.

Interested in partnering? Reach out to us via email at CorporateInterest@care.org.

Corporate Partnerships with Impact

Join us to invest in innovative, scalable, impactful, community-based solutions. Our projects are changing the lives of over 50 million people annually, focused on:

Maternal and children's health

With a large focus on reproductive and adolescent health, CARE works across the global to make healthcare more equal.

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Education and dignified work for women and girls

CARE helps women find economic empowerment by learning skills to start and sustain their own businesses.

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Food, nutrition, and water

When families can’t cover the basic need of food, they struggle to find a way out of poverty.

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Humanitarian crisis and emergency response

Whether it is a sudden emergency or an ongoing crisis, CARE fights to aid people in need around the world.

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Strategic, Award-Winning Corporate Partnerships

We believe in the power of shared value. Dynamic corporate partnerships are essential to solving complex global challenges. We have an opportunity to work closely together to help build a world where all people can live in dignity and security.

CARE’s world-class partnership team works closely with you to develop mutually beneficial partnerships. Our expertise includes identifying and developing impact programs; solving supply-chain issues; creating compelling marketing initiatives; providing exposure and thought leadership opportunities; and offering meaningful employee volunteering and engagement.




Contribute to specific projects or make an investment in CARE’s mission.

Engage employees and consumers so that they can learn, engage, fundraise and spread the word.

Showcase CARE’s work and the impact of our partnership for expanded awareness, giving and engagement.

Corporate Contributions

Event Sponsorship

Cause Marketing

Operations Support

Pro-bono and Gifts in Kind

CARE Corporate Council and Local City Committees

Employee and Consumer Fundraising

CARE Packages

Advocacy and outreach

Media support and inventory

Co-created assets

Influencer engagement

Donation of media support and inventory

Our Leadership Partners

Find out more about our strategic, multi-dimensional partnerships that are helping to solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

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Cause Marketing

Find out more about how we connect consumers and brands with CARE’s mission.

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Our Partners in the News

See media coverage of our partners and the campaigns we're embarking on together to empower women and eradicate poverty.

Read new about our partners
CARE Corporate Council

The CARE Corporate Council convenes ambitious companies to accelerate progress toward equality between women and men.

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Benefits of Partnership

Investing in Impact

Your contribution to CARE supports a best-in-class organization that has been successfully fighting poverty and creating new opportunities for women and girls since 1945 with proven programs and impact.

Powerful, Inspiring Content

CARE’s creative assets, celebrity access, and thought leadership expertise support your storytelling efforts and help you engage consumers, employees and stakeholders in making a difference. The result is brand lift, increased sales and a boost in loyalty.

A Demonstrated Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion

Supporting CARE helps establish your company as a courageous leader in the fight against global poverty and committed to embracing differences and promoting equality.

Interested in learning more?

Contact our team at corporateinterest@care.org.