General information about CARE
CARE is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Our EIN (Tax ID) number is 13-1685039. CARE can be found on the IRS Exempt Organizations list or by filling in the following information:
- EIN: 13-1685039
- Legal Name: Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc.
- State of Incorporation: Washington, DC
- Country: US
Read through our most Frequently Asked Questions below.
Need a tax receipt?
Calendar-year tax summaries will be mailed via USPS in January to the address we have on file. If you do not receive yours by late February, you can fill out this form at that time.
If you are looking for a receipt for a specific gift, note that all online gifts get immediately receipted (check your Spam folder.) If you still need a receipt, please fill out this form.