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CARE began working in Sudan in 1979, focusing on improving water supplies, forestry and energy conservation, and assisting refugees fleeing war in Eritrea.

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Relief Efforts in Sudan

CARE began working in Sudan in 1979, focusing on improving water supplies, forestry and energy conservation, and assisting refugees fleeing war in Eritrea.

We currently focus on East Darfur, South Darfur, South Kordofan, Kassala, and Khartoum where we focus on providing relief services to internally displaced people assisting conflict-affected populations to restore livelihoods and promoting peace and stability. Current activities include improving water and sanitation, hygiene education, primary health care, nutrition, and livelihood support.

In South Darfur, over a quarter of a million people have benefited from our food security project for internally displaced people, which ensures that women are the recipients of family rations, and from our emergency health and nutrition work and our water and sanitation projects.