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Reports & Resources Spotlight

Latest Impact Reports

CARE Women’s Economic Justice: Impact Report 2024

“Her Money. Her Future.” showcases CARE’s accomplishments in advancing economic justice for women worldwide, including a new financial return on investment (ROI) metric. CARE's savings groups generated $9 in women’s income for every $1 invested. Read More

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CARE Learning Tours: Honduras 2024

A delegation of five senior congressional staffers traveled to Honduras with CARE to explore firsthand the root causes of migration in the region and learn about how key strategic community based interventions backed by U.S. investments are fostering greater gender equity, expanding economic opportunity, and strengthening citizen protection. Read More

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CARE Learning Tours: Cambodia 2024

From August 12th-16th 2024, a bipartisan delegation of ten congressional staffers traveled to Cambodia with CARE and World Vision to explore how U.S. investments are working to address Cambodia’s key development challenges and improve the health of vulnerable populations. Read More

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Latest Evaluations/Research

Collective and Sustainable Investment for People and Nature

The CARE-WWF Alliance designed a Collective and Sustainable Investment (CSI) model to accelerate the access of small-scale farmers and community-based conservation groups – particularly women and youth members – to finance and to scale economic activities that sustain or improve ecosystems critical to their livelihoods. This learning brief outlines the method, findings, and recommended next steps. Read More

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Breaking the Barriers

The impacts of climate change are increasingly obvious, with 2023 as the hottest year on record—by far. In this report, CARE looks at what the data is telling us about climate change and what women are doing about it worldwide. Read More

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Insights from women at the forefront of crises in Burundi

The government of Burundi has declared a humanitarian crisis you may not have seen in the midst of all the crises in the world. Double-digit food price inflation, 1.23 million people facing food insecurity, conflict in DRC impacting trade, and more than 200,000 people displaced: the crises in Burundi barely get enough attention globally. In fact, Burundi is the third in the list of most under-reported crises. If you haven’t been following the situation in Burundi, here are 4 things women in Burundi want you to know. Read More

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Latest Lessons Learned

Beyond Money: Savings groups as a platform for addressing root causes of gender inequality

The potential of savings groups goes beyond money. CARE sees savings groups as an effective platform for greater gender equality beyond women as individuals. This learning report aims start a conversation about the role of savings groups in addressing systemic gender inequities in markets. Read More

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Strong Foundations: Prerequisites for addressing root causes of gender inequality through savings groups

Comprehensive VSLAs which address root causes of gender inequality are underpinned by a strong foundation within the program team. This brief outlines the prerequisites CARE believes it is important for VSLA projects to consider before engaging on gender equality. Read More

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Annex: Projects & impacts reviewed for the VSLA gender equality learning report

This annex provides further details on the project review process behind the learning report Beyond money: Savings groups as a platform for addressing root causes of gender inequality. It lists project details, evidence sources and the methodology used. Read More

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