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Women's Economic Justice

Helping women earn, save, and invest more

Aid alone can't end global poverty. Private capital is needed.

CARE’s Women’s Economic Justice practice engages private sector actors, uses market based approaches, puts women at the center, and leverages CARE’s local expertise and networks to help women earn, save, and invest more. This work reduces poverty and delivers equity.

Our impact

Program highlights

  • For every $1 invested in CARE’s savings groups, members generate $9-$18 in income.
  • Women’s Economic Justice programs increased incomes 175%, savings 153%, and entrepreneur business sales 15%.
  • 150K+ entrepreneurs have improved access to finance or skills.
  • 375K+ people in supply chains have improved gender equality policies.
  • 6M+ people joined savings group members since 2021.
  • 68% of people reached were women/girls.

CARE Women's Economic Justice: Impact Report 2024

A New Report | Release Date

“Her Money. Her Future.” showcases CARE’s accomplishments in advancing economic justice for women worldwide, including a new financial return on investment (ROI) metric. CARE's savings groups generated $9 in women’s income for every $1 invested.

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Help women earn more and increase control of their income.

Help women increase their savings and assets to build resilience.

Invest in businesses that are led by, or benefit, women.

Our programs

Village Savings and Loan Associations

VSLAs act as a springboard for community interventions. These transformative programs help women build savings.

Learn more about VSLAs

Women's Entrepreneurship

CARE aims to improve financial security and economic empowerment for 3 million entrepreneurs and employees by 2030.

Learn more about Women's Entrepreneurship

Corporate Advisory

CARE Impact Partners advises corporations on sustainable supply chains to lift business systems, lives, and communities.

Learn more about CARE Impact Partners

Financial Inclusion and Cryptocurrency

In 2022, CARE successfully completed pilots to test the use of cryptocurrency in Kenya and Ecuador.

Learn more about our crypto work

Impact Investing

CARE Enterprises is a for-profit subsidiary of CARE USA that invests private capital to economically empower women.

Go to CARE Enterprises to learn more

Learn more about our work

Economic Growth Designed for Women

We design programs to ensure women have access to and control of finances to improve their lives and their communities.

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Private Sector Collaboration for Women’s Economic Resilience

Our local expertise helps companies create profitable social impact embedded into the core business.

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Digital Inclusion for Women’s Economic Opportunity

By removing barriers and dismantling prohibitive social norms our programs ensure the digital economy benefits everyone.

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CARE Women’s Economic Justice: Impact Report 2024

“Her Money. Her Future.” showcases CARE’s accomplishments in advancing economic justice for women worldwide, including a new financial return on investment (ROI) metric. CARE's savings groups generated $9 in women’s income for every $1 invested.

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FY23 Global VSLA Annual Report

The VSLA FY23 Annual Report offers a brief overview of the impact and power of VSLAs in CARE programming.

Read the report

Ignite Program

In partnership with the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, CARE’s Ignite Program unleashes the power of growth-oriented entrepreneurs to contribute to resilient, inclusive economies.

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Women’s Economic Justice: Interventions & Impact

Our programs increase incomes 175%, savings 153%, and entrepreneur business sales 15%. Learn more about our impact areas, including economic benefits and social outcomes for women, the ripple to her family and community, and the sustainable local market systemic changes.

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Earn. Save. Invest.

Want to learn more? Contact us at EarnSaveInvest@care.org.

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CARE works to defeat poverty, operates in more than 100 countries, and reaches 167 million people. Our work includes CARE Market Based Approaches, which aims to deliver the greatest economic return for women per dollar invested. We believe that when women control economic resources they will transform their lives and communities. Market-based approaches use business models and catalyze markets to solve development and humanitarian challenges more sustainably and at scale. Our interventions give women access to money, skills, and markets that improve their prosperity and economic resilience.​

Our approach is guided by our belief that investment must deliver a strong multiplier effect in order to have the greatest economic impact.​

Our economic, financial, and commercial interventions are designed to maximize women’s wealth per dollar of donor investment.​

Delivering these results requires a central focus on shifting social norms around women’s financial decision-making authority, inclusive markets, and enabling women’s access to investment and capital.​

We navigate the corporate-development divide, considering business outcomes at the forefront of program, service and partnership​ strategies to define and deliver better solutions. We specialize in market-based, enterprise-driven, and locally-led networks: our work​ ensures local partners and private sector actors are woven into a development landscape that yields sustained relationships and new​ ways of working between public and private sectors, and our partners.​