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With Six Months In and 10 million Border Crossings, the Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine is Getting Worse. Conflict Threatens to Push Tens of Millions Around Globe Deeper into Food Insecurity.

Image of Ukrainian refugees at the Polish border

Natalia Lutoya, 34-years-old and her son, Dima, 8-years-old, cross the border in Medyka, on the Ukraine-Poland border, on March 2, 2022. Photo:Adrienne Surprenant/MYOP

Natalia Lutoya, 34-years-old and her son, Dima, 8-years-old, cross the border in Medyka, on the Ukraine-Poland border, on March 2, 2022. Photo:Adrienne Surprenant/MYOP

August 24, 2022 – Since the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine on 24 February, more than 10 million refugees have fled the country in search of safety. Tragically, that number continues to rise, with women and children making up 90% of refugees and 63% of internally displaced people.

CARE and our partners have reached over 466,000 people in Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Georgia, and Germany over the past sixth months. Our work has supported refugees with protection and psychosocial support, cash assistance, food, water, sanitation & hygiene assistance, education and more.

However, the scale of the conflict and its impacts on millions around the world due to increased food insecurity means that the international community must redouble its efforts to address this worsening global humanitarian crisis.

CARE is particularly worried about the impact rising food prices and shortages is already having on some of the world’s most vulnerable populations and hunger hotspots like the Horn of Africa.

“The six-month mark is a stark reminder that the Ukraine Crisis has resulted in the biggest humanitarian disaster the world has seen since WWII, impacting the lives of millions, not just in Europe, but around the world,” said Michelle Nunn, CARE CEO. “As we look at the coming months, we must all recommit to supporting the most vulnerable – be they Ukrainians still fleeing the violence, or the tens of millions of people who will go hungry this year because of the disruption of global food supply chains,” Nunn said.

Nunn added that, across Ukraine families continue to be torn apart.

The Human Face of Conflict

CARE’s Daria Khrystenko knows first-hand the sad realities of fleeing a war-torn country. She is a refugee from Ukraine, with family remaining in the country while she works with fellow refugees in Poland. She made the decision to leave Kyiv immediately after the conflict broke out.

“I grabbed my son and mom and we drove through Romania and Moldova, Slovakia and finally found accommodation in Warsaw. Looking back, the memories are foggy—I was only concerned about protecting my son and mother,” Khrystenko said.

Khrystenko noted that the six-month mark of the conflict in Ukraine coincides with Independence Day, commemorating Ukraine’s separation from the Soviet Union on August 24th, 1991.

“Independence Day is usually a big day of celebration, but this year, the fact that our country is fighting again for independence and fighting for our lives- makes it a very sad day. But we will still celebrate as a form of support for our country. The real celebration day will come when the war is over. I cannot wait for that day.”

For her part Deepmala Mahla, CARE VP of Humanitarian Affairs, stated that while the reaction of the public, governments, donors, and NGOs around the world in response to the crisis has been unprecedented, there is still much work to be done.

“As the conflict rages on, civilians continue to pay the price. Humanitarian needs in Ukraine are rapidly escalating, civilians are dying, and more than 10 million Ukrainians have fled to neighbouring countries. As an international community, we must continue to come together to serve and support the people of Ukraine. They all need us to act right now, not later; we must not let the gains made in promoting peace and development over last several decades continue to sharply decline,” said Mahla.

Learn More about Daria’s Story

How to Help

For more information please contact:

Amgad Naguib

CARE Executive Director, Media Relations



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