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We make all of CARE’s evaluation and research reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy. These are available at our Evaluation Library.

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Lessons Learned

SOAR III: YSLAs and Education in Nepal

September 20, 2024

The SOAR III project, which uses the UDAAN model, integrated Youth Savings and Loan Associations (YSLAs) into education programs to help girls overcome financial barriers to schooling and foster a savings habit. As a result, out-of-school girls re-enrolled in education, started businesses, and gained confidence in their potential as leaders. Gender-transformative impacts were driven by community sessions promoting gender dialogue, girl-led collective action, and the involvement of fathers, religious leaders, and teachers to support girls’ education and raise awareness of gender-based violence.

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Policy Papers

Women are the Early Warning: Food Insecurity and Gender in the Dry Corridor of Honduras

July 23, 2024

It’s often said that women eat last and least. But all too often we lack the timely and actionable data we need to close the gender hunger gap. To remedy this, CARE in Honduras combined the global standards of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) and our Rapid Gender Analysis toolkit to demonstrate the potential of a gender-responsive early warning system.

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