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Annual Reports

Rapport annuel de CARE Bénin/Togo FY2023

By CARE Benin / Togo · May 17, 2024

CARE Bénin/Togo, dans sa stratégie pays 2022 - 2026, a pour ambition d’atteindre 8,5 millions de personnes issues de communautés rurales vulnérables et exclues au Bénin et au Togo. En 2023, cette stratégie a été amorcée en faveur de nos deux groupes d’impact que sont : les femmes et les filles vulnérables et les jeunes jusqu’à 24 ans. Au Togo principalement, nous avons renforcé notre présence par l’ouverture de notre bureau à Lomé, en plus du bureau de Kara, afin de renforcer la collaboration avec l’administration togolaise et les partenaires. Nos interventions ont atteint directement près de 500 000 personnes (principalement les femmes et les filles) et ont couvert les soixante-dix-sept (77) communes au Bénin, tandis qu’au Togo, nous intervenons dans 14 préfectures… Lire ici l’intégralité de notre rapport annuel de 2023 ici pour en savoir davantage.

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Annual Reports

Water+ 2023 Retrospective Report

By CARE Water Team · April 1, 2024

CARE’s Water+ 2023 Retrospective Report highlights a selection of programs demonstrating WASH systems strengthening approaches – and CARE’s work across the globe to strengthen conditions and capacities for governance, accountability, investment, monitoring, learning and social inclusion. This report includes seven briefs covering some of CARE's Water+ work in Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Madagascar, Rwanda, South Sudan and Zambia in 2023. We hope these briefs expand learning for our CARE programs and partners, in the Water+ sector and beyond.

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Annual Reports

CARE 2023 Annual Report

March 8, 2024

The global crises we faced in 2023 left us with little time to catch our breath. Earthquakes, floods, cyclones, and droughts dominated the year, accentuated by the ongoing effects of climate change and the humanitarian toll of conflict. This year saw a record-high number refugees – more than 100 million – as ongoing conflict in Ukraine continues to devastate food systems worldwide. Through it all, CARE has been there, as we have been for 78 years: working hand-in-hand with communities to bring relief and hope, supporting women and girls because they are disproportionally poor and have the greatest leverage to defeat poverty.

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Annual Reports

The Role of Youth in Food and Water Systems: 2023 Food and Water Systems Annual Report

October 16, 2023

Water and food are essential to human life and dignity while healthy ecosystems protect and conserve natural resources that provide and sustain life. CARE commits to work with partners around the world to support 75 million people, most of them women and girls, to fulfill their right to food, water and nutrition as part of Vision 2030. This year, CARE will be highlighting a key and dynamic group in improving access to healthy food and water systems: youth. Through the She Feeds the World framework, CARE promotes a focus on young women and men as positive change agents who bring creativity, energy, commitment, and novel perspectives to understanding and addressing food, economic and social insecurity in their communities. CARE pursues Positive Youth Development strategies, viewing young people as key partners in all development efforts, from nutritional programming to strengthening agricultural markets.

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Annual Reports

CARE and the Sustainable Development Goals 2023

April 11, 2023

Since 2015, CARE has been tracking impact metrics in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2021, CARE shifted to 30 impact indicators for CARE’s Vision 2030, still aligned with the SDGs. The SDGs represent a collective, global commitment to a transformed world. It is only right that an organization like CARE also be accountable to demonstrating how its work contributes to these shared goals toward this collective vision. Between 2015 and 2022 CARE and our partners have contributed to global change for 180 million people in 82 countries. We use the word “contributions” deliberately: in all our work, change happens through the combined efforts of many different actors, including civil society and movements, governments, and the private sector. Our programs are just some of the contributing factors that lead to these impacts and outcomes.

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Annual Reports

CARE 2022 Annual Report

April 3, 2023

In 2022, CARE worked in 111 countries, reaching 174 million people through more than 1,600 programs. Thanks to our supporters, CARE was able to respond to some of the greatest humanitarian challenges since our founding. We've assisted Ukrainian refugees fleeing into Poland and other neighboring countries. The war in Ukraine, combined with climate shifts and economic fallout caused by COVID, exacerbated the global hunger crisis. In response, we launched a $250 million comprehensive emergency response that delivered critical food aid and treatment for severe malnutrition while helping families build longer-term plans to withstand future shocks.

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