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Ethiopia Humanitarian Crisis

A woman wearing a bright yellow scarf cups her hands in front of her to hold a pile of seeds. Behind her you can see a large group of women.

CARE / Josh Estey

CARE / Josh Estey


More than 9 million people in Ethiopia require humanitarian assistance due to drought, flooding, and displacement.

About the crisis in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, millions of people have been forced to leave their homes as they flee inter-communal violence. The humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate in the northern part of Ethiopia, as conflict with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) continues to aggravate food insecurity, generate displacement, and disrupt livelihoods. In some areas, ongoing fighting has significantly affected humanitarian activities.

Recurring droughts and floods have led to widespread food insecurity and malnutrition, as well as disease outbreaks due to poor water, sanitation, and hygiene in displaced communities.

Desert locust infestations affecting the region have affected Ethiopia for two years, leading to higher crop losses. If not controlled immediately, the desert locusts could cause even higher levels of food insecurity.

These crises are exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak, which surged in the country in March/April 2021.



people in Ethiopia require humanitarian assistance

How to help Ethiopia: What CARE is doing

So far, CARE and its local partners APDA and REST have reached more than 1.5 million individuals with vital food items, agricultural inputs, shelter, WASH kits, water treatment tablets, and dignity kits in Western, Eastern, and Southern Tigray zones and bordering Afar districts for populations affected by the conflict.

In the last year, CARE has reached 1.1 million people with COVID-19 response — 572,000 people with health programming; 99,000 with hygiene kits; 334,000 with more access to water; 388,000 with food support. 561,000 were women and girls.

RESET II in Ethiopia is a program that ran from 2016-2020 with $7 million in funding from the European Union. In partnership with Action Against Hunger, it is reaching more than 378,000 people.

What have we accomplished?

  • People are healthier: there has been a 40% reduction in diarrhea.
  • Water is safer: people are 83% more likely to be using safe water sources, and 44% more likely to be using a latrine.
  • Agriculture is more sustainable: people are 83% more likely to be using sustainable land and water management practices. They have also restored 3,128 acres of rangeland for animals.
  • Production is increasing: agricultural yield per hectare has gone up 47%.
  • Government services are better: people are 34% more likely to get home health services. An additional 378,720 people got health care through community health offices.
  • Government acts in emergencies: the government is twice as likely to respond promptly to early warning indicators to prevent and prepare for crisis.

*Last updated January 2022