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CARE USA applauds U.S. Congress' commitment to meeting the needs of women and girls worldwide with critical funding

December 21, 2022, Washington, D.C.:

CARE USA welcomes passage of the FY23 omnibus spending bill by U.S. Congress to fund the U.S. government at a moment of incredible global need. In response, CARE Vice President of U.S. Programs and Policy Ritu Sharma said:

“Today, Congress lived up to its moral obligations by passing an omnibus to fund the government for FY23 at a moment of incredible need. Global hunger threatens the lives of tens of millions around the world. Women and girls still face violence in their homes and workplaces. And we are still reeling from the impacts of COVID on health systems, education, and global poverty. Fortunately, this bill includes a 6% increase in base funding for the international affairs budget, as well as significant investments to stem the humanitarian crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine.

In particular, CARE applauds Congress’s commitment to meeting the needs of millions of vulnerable women and girls around the world by allocating record-setting funding to combat gender-based violence, including child marriage, and prioritize frontline healthcare workers.

We are especially grateful for the steadfast leaders on both sides of the aisle who steered this appropriations process for many years – and to Senators Leahy and Shelby in particular. CARE thanks them – on the occasion of their retirement – for their decades of service and unwavering commitment to the international affairs budget. We hope that next year’s Congress continues to live up to the example set by Senators Shelby and Leahy and ensure that their legacy remains intact.”

For more information please contact:

Anisa Husain
CARE Press Officer


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