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Savings Groups in Emergencies – Peer Learning Group Resources

Savings Groups are one of the most widespread economic empowerment initiatives worldwide. Over the past 30 years, hundreds of NGOs and local civil society organizations have mobilized and trained Savings Groups across 75 countries, with an estimated 20 million active members. A growing body of evidence suggests that – across countries, organizations, and projects – Savings Groups have a consistently positive impact on savings, access and use of credit, investment in income-generating activities, food consumption and security, self-confidence, and market and social support networks. There is also mixed evidence that, in certain conditions, Savings Groups contribute to asset accumulation, income, investment in education, leadership, and women’s empowerment. Beyond financial inclusion, Savings Groups are now promoted as an economic strengthening strategy for diverse development objectives related to livelihoods, women’s economic empowerment, gender equality, health, social protection, and water, sanitation, and hygiene. Through the collaboration of 8 INGOs, learnings were gathered on Savings Groups in Emergency Contexts and compiled into the available documents.

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