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Insights from women at the forefront of crises in Burundi

July 31, 2024

The government of Burundi has declared a humanitarian crisis you may not have seen in the midst of all the crises in the world. Double-digit food price inflation, 1.23 million people facing food insecurity, conflict in DRC impacting trade, and more than 200,000 people displaced: the crises in Burundi barely get enough attention globally. In fact, Burundi is the third in the list of most under-reported crises. If you haven’t been following the situation in Burundi, here are 4 things women in Burundi want you to know.

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Starving for Equality

July 22, 2024

Two numbers set the frame for the food security situation in the world today. 282 million people are very hungry in the world (acutely food insecure). 84.2 million more women and girls are hungry than men and boys. Food insecurity is a huge global problem, and it’s highly unequal. The Starving for Equality research shows how gender inequality isn’t just a woman’s problem; it’s also bad for men and boys. The research also shows that inequality makes men and boys hungrier, too.

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Policy Papers

Knowing Better, Responding Worse: How Mistakes from 2008 Led to the Food Crisis of Today

June 6, 2023

This report compares two crises points in humanitarian and food security needs (2008 and 2022), and the international communities funding responses and approaches. CARE generated evidence and program examples, as well as external funding data, show that the 2022 hunger crisis is twice as bad in 2008, but we are not seeing similar urgency and funding scale up—nor are we seeing lessons learned in prioritizing layered, nexus approaches in the response.

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Guatemala: A food insecurity constant reality

February 10, 2023

From 2020 to 2022, 21.1% of Guatemala’s population was affected by severe food insecurity, with a gender food gap of 0.3 million. According to a study conducted by CARE in Guatemala in 2022 in Guatemala’s dry corridor, 42% of households had exhausted all grain from the previous harvest; 33% had grain reserves lasting only three more months or less; 21% of households incurred debt to purchase food; 38% of households reduced their meal sizes; 22% of respondents ate less or abstained entirely, prioritizing their children's meals; 31% skipped at least one meal daily. IPC predicted that food security is expected to deteriorate from June to August 2023, due to the rise in food prices. In total, it is estimated that approximately 604 thousand people (3% of the population) are in Emergency (Phase 4) and close to 3.6 million (21% of the population) in Crisis (Phase 3).

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Policy Papers

Hunger Policies Continue to Ignore Gender

December 12, 2022

Hunger Policies Continue to Ignore Gender is CARE’s updated review of hunger action documents for their inclusion and funding of women and gender centered responses. An assessment of 86 documents demonstrated that organizations responsible for creating evidence on food insecurity and responses to hunger often overlook how gender inequality drives food insecurity for women and girls. Food policies are not keeping pace with the magnitude of the problem partly because they exclude the specific needs of women and girls, as well as their capacity to offer solutions best adapted to their needs.

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Food Insecurity: Impact on Education Outcomes

September 25, 2022

Recent projections are showing that the world is not on track to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2, Zero Hunger by 2030, and people are more food insecure than ever. When food insecure households have to make decisions on how to use their limited resources, children’s schooling, especially girls’ access to education, often becomes a casualty. This brief report attempts to shed a light on the current global food insecurity status, its impact on children’s cognitive development, and some of CARE’s promising practices which are showing results in reducing the impact of food insecurity on education outcomes.

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