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IMAGINE Technical Resources

IMAGINE is making the following resources available for project implementers, donors, government leaders, and the broader public to reference, use, and adapt. Learn more about what is available and what is under development in this compendium.

For more information about IMAGINE or to access additional materials, please contact Rachael Goba at rachael.goba@care.org.


Project curricula used by trained facilitators

Reflective Dialogues for Health Workers: Family Planning Counseling and Adolescent and Youth Friendly Services

This manual, for facility- and community-based health workers, combines reflective dialogue sessions around social norms with technical training in family planning counseling for adolescent clients. It also contains exercises to support the creation of individual and health facility-based action plans in order to better meet adolescents’ reproductive health needs. Available in French and English. Also available in Bengali by request.

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In Mata Masu Dubara: Manuel de Mise en Place et de Formation d’Associations d’Epargne et de Crédit pour Adolescente (French)

This guide, aimed specifically at supporting IMAGINE’s Youth Village and Savings Loans Associations (YSLA), combines foundational training on financial management with guided support for the creation and implementation of savings groups for adolescent girls.

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Prosperous Futures Board Game

This board game, used by IMAGINE’s adult facilitators, serves as an interactive tool to model the financial effects of early first birth while reinforcing the impact of positive social norms on financial wellbeing. Available in English.

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Project curricula used by peer leaders

Girls’ Collective Peer Leader Manual

This image-based flipbook—adapted for use by adolescent girl peer educators—is a simplified version of IMAGINE’s Girls’ Collective Facilitator Manual. It contains simplified, key points on learning objectives related to reproductive health, life skills, and social norms, and financial literacy as well as suggested activities for peer leaders. Available in French and English. Also available in Haussa on request.

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Prosperous Futures Board Game: Fada Peer Leader Version

Modified from IMAGINE’s original “Prosperous Futures” board game, this revised, image-based game was used by Fada (husband groups) peer leaders. It serves as an interactive tool to model the financial effects of early first birth while reinforcing the impact of positive social norms on financial wellbeing. Available in French and English.

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IMAGINE Technical Resources

To design and test interventions that hold promise for delaying the timing of first birth among married adolescents (ages 15-19) in Niger and Bangladesh.

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Implementation tools, training, and approaches

IMAGINE Technical Resources

To design and test interventions that hold promise for delaying the timing of first birth among married adolescents (ages 15-19) in Niger and Bangladesh.

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IMAGINE Technical Resources

To design and test interventions that hold promise for delaying the timing of first birth among married adolescents (ages 15-19) in Niger and Bangladesh.

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IMAGINE Technical Resources

To design and test interventions that hold promise for delaying the timing of first birth among married adolescents (ages 15-19) in Niger and Bangladesh.

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IMAGINE Technical Resources

To design and test interventions that hold promise for delaying the timing of first birth among married adolescents (ages 15-19) in Niger and Bangladesh.

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IMAGINE Technical Resources

To design and test interventions that hold promise for delaying the timing of first birth among married adolescents (ages 15-19) in Niger and Bangladesh.

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IMAGINE Component Brief: Girls’ Collectives

This brief provides an overview of IMAGINE’s Girls’ Collectives, safe spaces for girls serving as a platform for integrated SRH and life skills, economic, and social norms transformation activities.

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IMAGINE Component Brief: Engaging Men and Boys Through Fada Groups

This brief provides an overview of IMAGINE’s male social groups (Fadas) in Niger, which engage young men and husbands as allies in delaying childbearing.

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IMAGINE Technical Resources

To design and test interventions that hold promise for delaying the timing of first birth among married adolescents (ages 15-19) in Niger and Bangladesh.

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IMAGINE Component Brief: Livelihoods Training

This brief provides an overview of IMAGINE’s livelihood training and support activities in Niger and Bangladesh, including foundational business skills development, training for girls in livestock, agriculture, textile, and IT sectors, and market linkage activities to support economic opportunities for girls so that early motherhood is not their only option.

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IMAGINE Component Brief: Health Worker Transformation

This brief provides an overview of IMAGINE’s health worker reflective dialogue sessions, which combine technical training in adolescent and youth friendly services with a process of self-reflection and action planning to transform provider attitudes and biases around providing family planning counseling and services to married adolescent girls without children.

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IMAGINE Component Brief: Couples Counseling

This brief provides an overview of IMAGINE’s Couples’ Counseling component in Bangladesh, where trained facilitators provided private, personalized counseling to newly married girls, their husbands, and their families.

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IMAGINE Evaluations

This link encompasses analysis and findings on the IMAGINE project on a diversity of areas such as qualitative, cost effectiveness, and economic-related evaluations, as well as an endline report.

Read the reports on CARE Evaluations

Evidence and Learning

“It is a thing that depends on God”: barriers to delaying first birth and pursuing alternative futures among newly married adolescent girls in Niger

This peer-reviewed article examines IMAGINE’s formative research on the underlying social, individual and structural factors influencing married girls’ early first birth and participation in opportunities such as education or economic pursuits in Niger.

Read the report on NCBI

Understanding individual, family and community perspectives on delaying early birth among adolescent girls: findings from a formative evaluation in rural Bangladesh

This peer-reviewed article examines IMAGINE’s formative research on the underlying social, individual and structural factors influencing married girls’ early first birth and participation in opportunities such as education or economic pursuits in Bangladesh.

Read the report on BNC Women's Health

IMAGINE Technical Resources

To design and test interventions that hold promise for delaying the timing of first birth among married adolescents (ages 15-19) in Niger and Bangladesh.

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IMAGINE Technical Resources

To design and test interventions that hold promise for delaying the timing of first birth among married adolescents (ages 15-19) in Niger and Bangladesh.

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Fadas IMAGINE: Acteur du changement dans le cadre du soutien aux adolescentes (15-19 ans) mariées nullipares pour le choix d’un moment opportun pour la 1ère naissance

This brief provides details on how IMAGINE’s male social groups (Fadas) in Niger were mobilized as champions for adolescent health and rights, including their ability wait until they are physically, financially, and emotionally ready for children. This includes an overview of the activity, key lessons learned, and testimonials from Fada participants.

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Why the rush? – understanding early marriage and childbearing in rural Bangladesh

This blog post provides an overview of formative data around early marriage and childbearing collected in Bangladesh.

Read the report on CARE Insights

Harnessing the market systems approach to delay first birth among married adolescents

This blog post provides an overview of how IMAGINE adapted traditional market analysis approaches to understand the unique perspectives and situations of married adolescent girls in Niger and Bangladesh.

Read the report on Beam Exchange

Other available resources by request

Counseling Guide for Newly-Married Couples
This manual underpins individual, home-based counseling to newly married adolescent girls, their husbands, and their families to address the couple and family dynamics that impact couples’ ability to wait until they are financially, physically, and emotionally prepared to have children. Key topics include communication and joint decision-making, future visioning, budgeting, and reproductive health and rights information. (Available in English and Bengali)