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Whether it is a sudden emergency or an ongoing crisis, CARE works to aid people in need around the world.

A woman holds her small child in front of a hut.
CARE / Josh Estey

Our 2030 Goal: CARE provides quality, gender-focused and localized humanitarian assistance to 10% of those affected in major crises, reaching at least 50 million people by 2030.

In 2020, 168 million people needed humanitarian assistance — a number that has continued to grow over the last decade.

70.8 million people have been forcibly displaced from their homes. The human consequences of these crises are devastating. Families struggle to find shelter, to get enough to eat, and to find safe places to rebuild their lives. One in five women in crisis has experienced sexual assault.

On average, humanitarian crises are more complex than at any time in the last 15 years, and last nearly three years longer than they used to. Conflict, migration, and climate change are the key trends driving these crises — with 8 of the worst food crises in the world linked to conflict and climate change. And so far, we have only raised 54% of the money we would need to help all of the people in crisis.

These trends to longer, more complicated crises have a huge impact on our ability to support the people in need.

We need to think about funding over the long term, and not just to fill immediate gaps. We need to think about ways to prepare people and communities to cope with shocks and respond to emergencies themselves. We need to strengthen local institutions that can respond to people on the ground. And we need to find ways to address trends like climate change and conflict that make the situation worse.

Current Crisis and Disaster Response Efforts

West Bank/Gaza Crisis

Over two million people are at risk of dying from disease, starvation, and bombardments as the conflict wages on. Read More

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Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis

Since the onset of conflict in Ukraine, the country’s humanitarian situation has surpassed even the worst-case predicted scenarios. Read More

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Somalia Food Insecurity Crisis

An estimated 7.8 million people in Somalia/Somaliland are faced with severe food shortages in the country. The hunger crisis is caused by the combined impact of conflict, unpredictable climatic shocks, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More

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Earthquakes Devastate Turkey and Syria

Deadly earthquakes have killed more than 50,000 people in Turkey and Syria, and leave thousands more vulnerable amid a harsh winter. Read More

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Global Hunger Crisis

We must act now to stave off a growing global hunger crisis. Read More

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Syrian Refugee Crisis

The ongoing armed conflict in Syria has left up to 13.5 million people, more than half of whom are children, in need of humanitarian aid. Read More

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